Institutional investing is an important way for retail investors to understand how the market feels about a specific stock or asset. Hedge funds, advisors, and other institutional investors have teams of analysts who assess whether an asset should be suggested to their clients.
Heico's stock is the top performer in its industry group.
The financial results for Heico (HEI) provide an overview of the company's performance for the quarter ending in January 2025. It may be helpful to compare some important metrics with Wall Street predictions and figures from the same period last year.
Heico Corporation (HEI) reported quarterly earnings of $1.20 per share, which is higher than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.93 per share. This is an increase compared to earnings of $0.82 per share from the same period last year.
In addition to Wall Street's predictions for Heico's (HEI) earnings, take a look at forecasts for some important metrics to better understand how the company performed in the quarter that ended in January 2025.
Heico (HEI) has a strong track record of surprising with its earnings and currently has the right mix of factors that suggest it may exceed expectations in its upcoming quarterly report.
Heico (HEI) shares dropped on Wednesday, following the company's announcement of lower-than-expected fourth-quarter sales. This decline was influenced by a decrease in demand for defense products. The company, which provides aircraft parts and electronic equipment, is supported by billionaire investor Warren Buffett.
The financial results for Heico (HEI) provide an overview of the company's performance for the quarter ending in October 2024. It may be helpful to compare some important metrics with Wall Street predictions and figures from the same period last year.
Heico Corporation (HEI) reported quarterly earnings of $0.99 per share, which is higher than the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $0.97 per share. This is an increase compared to earnings of $0.84 per share from the same period last year.
Experts predict that Heico's earnings report will reveal strong, yet slowing growth in revenue. This information was first shared in the article titled "Warren Buffett Defense Pick Heico Eyes A Billion-Dollar Quarter" on Investor's Business Daily.