Best Cryptocurrency Stocks

Market Cap ($)
Price ($)
Price Change (%)today ()
PE Ratio
PB Ratio
PS Ratio
Quarterly Revenue ($)
Quarterly EPS ($)
NVIDIA2804.05 B114.92-1.37StocksUnited States39.1235.3521.4939.33 B0.89
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited932.54 B179.80-1.96StocksTaiwan25.547.1510.3526.86 B2.23
Advanced Micro Devices162.42 B100.23-0.98StocksUnited States101.242.826.307.66 B0.29
Coinbase Global55.72 B219.47-1.13StocksUnited States23.105.428.492.27 B4.68
Marathon Digital Holdings5.10 B15.04-0.27StocksUnited States11.067.78214.39 M1.24
Riot Blockchain2.99 B8.70-2.14StocksUnited States25.090.957.94142.56 M0.40
CleanSpark2.37 B8.44-0.94StocksUnited States76.731.175.07162.31 M0.83
Iris Energy Limited1.69 B7.88-3.19StocksAustralia1.315.94117.55 M0.09
TeraWulf1.41 B3.65-1.08StocksUnited States5.9910.0634.98 M
Bitfarms577.72 M1.17-0.85StocksCanada1.133.1644.85 M-0.08
Bit Digital386.84 M2.52+0.40StocksUnited States42.001.263.9522.71 M-0.26
HIVE Blockchain Technologies304.59 M1.96+0.51StocksCanada0.702.5729.87 M0.01
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