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Dow Jones Industrial Average Index


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Dow Jones Industrial Average Index


The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) includes 30 large U.S. companies from technology, finance, healthcare, and other sectors, focusing on blue-chip companies with strong market influence. Investors use the DJIA to track the overall performance of the U.S. stock market and as a benchmark to compare their own investments. It's often seen as a key indicator of economic health and investor sentiment in the United States.
8.46 %
MSFT logo
5.70 %
5.21 %
V logo
4.97 %
4.95 %
4.92 %
4.43 %
AMGN logo
4.43 %
4.17 %



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  • What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average index?
  • What is the symbol for the Dow Jones Industrial Average index?
  • How many stocks are in Dow Jones Industrial Average?
  • What companies are in the Dow Jones Industrial Average?
  • How to invest in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index?

What is the Dow Jones Industrial Average index?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) includes 30 large U.S. companies from technology, finance, healthcare, and other sectors, focusing on blue-chip companies with strong market influence. Investors use the DJIA to track the overall performance of the U.S. stock market and as a benchmark to compare their own investments. It's often seen as a key indicator of economic health and investor sentiment in the United States.

What is the symbol for the Dow Jones Industrial Average index?

The ticker symbol for the Dow Jones Industrial Average index is DJI

How many stocks are in Dow Jones Industrial Average?

The Dow Jones Industrial Average index includes 30 stocks

What companies are in the Dow Jones Industrial Average?

The DJIA focuses on well-established companies from different sectors that have a strong impact on the U.S. economy, such as Apple, Boeing, Coca-Cola and Goldman Sachs

How to invest in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index?

  • Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
    Buy shares of ETFs that track the DJI index. These funds hold stocks from the DJI and trade like regular stocks on the stock market.
  • Index Funds
    Invest in mutual funds that are designed to match the performance of the DJI index. These are usually bought through a brokerage or directly from a fund company.
  • Futures Contracts
    If you're more advanced, you can use futures contracts to bet on the future movement of the DJI index. This is a more complex option and carries higher risk.
  • Options
    Another advanced option is buying options contracts that give you the right to buy or sell an ETF or fund that tracks the DJI index at a set price.