The Zacks Style Scores help investors quickly identify highly-rated stocks that match their investment preferences. Here are some reasons why you should make use of this tool.
The Focus List, a key feature of the Zacks Premium portfolio service, makes it simpler to discover strong stocks that can outperform the market and have a positive earnings forecast.
Stock markets have been unstable in the last week because major companies in artificial intelligence (AI), which are a big part of indexes like the Nasdaq Composite, are facing strong competition from China.
This Industry Outlook article features HCA Healthcare, Tenet Healthcare, Universal Health, Acadia Healthcare, and Community Health.
Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 03, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ensemble, the top company in the U.S. for revenue cycle management services in healthcare, is happy to share that Bill Rutherford, who was the Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at HCA Healthcare, has become a member of its Board of Managers.
On Monday, January 27, the S&P 500 dropped by 1.5% after a Chinese startup introduced an affordable and effective AI model, which surprised the U.S. tech industry.
HCA Healthcare Inc. announced on Friday that its earnings for the fourth quarter were higher than anticipated.
HCA announced its Q4 and full-year earnings for FY24 on Friday, January 24th, surpassing expectations for both earnings per share and revenue. The company is benefiting from a solid core business and favorable industry trends, which are increasing revenue opportunities and helping to control costs. With a discounted cash flow price target of $437, indicating a 41% increase from the current price, I am upgrading my rating from buy to strong buy.
HCA Healthcare, Inc. (NYSE:HCA) will hold its Q4 2024 Earnings Conference Call on January 24, 2025, at 10:00 AM ET. The call will feature company representatives including Frank Morgan, Sam Hazen, and Mike Marks, along with participants from various financial institutions. The operator will begin the call by thanking everyone for their patience.
HCA Healthcare (HCA -4.08%), which runs healthcare facilities, announced its fourth-quarter earnings for 2024 on January 24. The report showed a revenue of $18.285 billion, exceeding analysts' predictions of $18.234 billion.