Telefônica Brasil S.A. (NYSE:VIV) will hold its Q4 2024 Earnings Conference Call on February 26, 2025, at 9:00 AM ET. The call will feature company representatives including Joao Pedro Soares Carneiro, the Director of Investor Relations, and CEO Christian Gebara. Various financial analysts from institutions like UBS, Bradesco BBI, and Goldman Sachs will also participate.
Telefônica Brasil, also called Vivo, is a top telecom firm in Brazil that is good at paying dividends and has a solid position in the market, even with economic difficulties. Although there was a significant drop in ADR performance in 2024, the company's core financials are still strong, with revenue growth outpacing inflation and better EBITDA margins. While high-interest rates and currency issues have affected the stock, the dividend yield is still appealing and could reach nearly 10% by 2026.
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This Industry Outlook article has pointed out Deutsche Telekom, Telefonica, and Telefonica Brasil.
The rapid rollout of 5G technology and the need for flexible infrastructure are expected to benefit the Zacks Diversified Communication Services sector, even with global challenges. Companies like DTEGY, TEF, and VIV are in a strong position to take advantage of the improvements in infrastructure for better connectivity.
The Zacks Style Scores help investors quickly identify highly-rated stocks that match their investment preferences. Here are some reasons to make the most of this tool.
SAO PAULO, Nov. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Telefônica Brasil - (B3: VIVT3; NYSE: VIV) has released its results for the third quarter of 2024. The company showed strong performance, leading to increases in revenue, EBITDA, and net income, while also lowering its capital expenditure intensity.
Telefônica Brasil S.A. (NYSE:VIV) will hold its Q2 2024 Earnings Conference Call on July 30, 2024, at 9:00 AM ET. The call will feature company representatives including João Pedro Soares Carneiro, the Investor Relations Director, and Christian Gebara, the CEO. Various participants from financial institutions like Bradesco, UBS, and JPMorgan will also be joining the call.
The economy in Brazil has strengthened, making Telefonica Brasil a more attractive investment. Brazil has effectively controlled inflation, which is a good sign for the economy and market. The Central Bank can lower interest rates further if inflation stays low.
Telefônica Brasil S.A. (VIV) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript