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SPPP: Platinum Group Metals Remain Under Pressure
SPPP: Platinum Group Metals Remain Under Pressure
SPPP: Platinum Group Metals Remain Under Pressure
seekingalpha.comJuly 2, 2024

Platinum and palladium prices have struggled to surpass $1,000 per ounce recently, with palladium experiencing a significant decline since reaching a record high in 2022. Gold and silver have been in bull markets, with silver reaching its highest price in nearly 12 years and gold hitting a new record peak. The Sprott Physical Platinum and Palladium Trust invests in physical platinum and palladium, providing exposure to these metals in standard stock market accounts.

PGMs- A Contrarian Approach With SPPP
PGMs- A Contrarian Approach With SPPP
PGMs- A Contrarian Approach With SPPP
Seeking AlphaAugust 24, 2023

Platinum group metals (PGMs) include iridium, osmium, palladium, platinum, rhodium, and ruthenium, and they have high melting points, heat and corrosion resistance, and unique catalytic properties. Palladium has been in a bear market since reaching a record high in March 2022, while platinum has been in a brutal bearish trend since its all-time high in 2008. PGM supplies come mainly from South Africa and Russia, with Russia producing the most palladium and South Africa producing the most platinum. PGMs have various industrial.