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JCE: 5 Reasons Why I Would Not Hold This CEF
JCE: 5 Reasons Why I Would Not Hold This CEF
JCE: 5 Reasons Why I Would Not Hold This CEF
seekingalpha.comSeptember 30, 2024

The Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund is a closed-end fund that employs a covered call selling strategy. The fund is rated a Hold by most Seeking Alpha analysts, but I disagree with this view. JCE has delivered disappointing historical risk-adjusted performance relative to passive investment options.

JCE: Valuation Stays Around Fair Value
JCE: Valuation Stays Around Fair Value
JCE: Valuation Stays Around Fair Value
Seeking AlphaJanuary 19, 2024

Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund provides exposure to large-cap companies and uses a call-writing strategy to generate options premiums for distributions and potentially dampen volatility. The JCE closed-end fund's discount/premium seems to have somewhat stabilized, but it's around the longer-term average, making it appear fairly valued. The JCE fund offers a relatively high distribution rate, but the distribution is largely covered by capital gains, which can come under pressure in a down market.

JCE: Falling Behind In A Low Vol World
JCE: Falling Behind In A Low Vol World
JCE: Falling Behind In A Low Vol World
Seeking AlphaJanuary 17, 2024

Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund has underperformed the S&P 500 by almost 50% due to its option overlay strategy and low volatility levels. The low volatility environment has resulted in low option premiums, which do not adequately compensate JCE for market moves. Investing in the S&P 500 outright or choosing a different closed-end fund without an option overlay may be a better choice in the current low VIX environment.

Closed-End Funds: Valuations Matter, A Revisit Of JCE
Closed-End Funds: Valuations Matter, A Revisit Of JCE
Closed-End Funds: Valuations Matter, A Revisit Of JCE
Seeking AlphaNovember 2, 2023

Nuveen Core Equity Alpha Fund had a volatile discount/premium to finish off last year, and it still remains fairly expensive. First Trust Enhanced Equity Income Fund and Voya Global Advantage and Premium Opportunity Fund were suggested as alternatives, and we revisit to see how that played out today. This article helps highlight why valuations matter for CEFs, not only on an absolute but relative basis, as we saw things play out mostly as expected in the last year.

This ‘Boring' Market Is Our Key To 10% Dividend Payouts
This ‘Boring' Market Is Our Key To 10% Dividend Payouts
This ‘Boring' Market Is Our Key To 10% Dividend Payouts
ForbesOctober 17, 2023

The "boring" truth is that what we've been seeing is nothing more than a transition from a panicked market to a more normal one.