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Great Elm Capital (GECC) P/E Ratio

PE Ratio


Fri, 29 Nov 2024 18:02:20 GMT

GECC PE Ratio Chart

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GECC PE Ratio Performance

PeriodPeriodPE ratioPE ratioPricePriceTTM EPSTTM EPSTTM revenueTTM revenue
1 m1 month-0.3%-0.3%--
3 m3 months+97.5%-0.6%--
6 m6 months+219.0%+1.1%--
1 y1 year+161.9%+7.2%-59.1%-40.0%
5 y5 years--77.5%+106.5%+173.6%

GECC PE Ratio High & Low

PeriodPeriodHighHighCurrent vs highvs highLowLowCurrent vs lowvs low
1 m1 month14.81-0.3%13.83+6.8%
3 m3 months14.90-0.9%7.08+108.6%
6 m6 months14.90-0.9%4.56+223.9%
1 y1 year14.90-0.9%2.96+399.0%
3 y3 years44.91-67.1%2.96+399.0%
5 y5 years45.68-67.7%2.76+435.1%
alltimeall time155.82-90.5%2.76+435.1%

Great Elm Capital PE Ratio History



  • What is Great Elm Capital price to earnings ratio?
  • What is the all time high PE ratio for Great Elm Capital?
  • What is GECC price to earnings ratio year-to-date change?
  • What is Great Elm Capital PE ratio year-on-year change?

What is Great Elm Capital price to earnings ratio?

The current PE ratio of GECC is 14.77

What is the all time high PE ratio for Great Elm Capital?

Great Elm Capital all-time high price to earnings ratio is 155.82

What is GECC price to earnings ratio year-to-date change?

Great Elm Capital price to earnings ratio has changed by +11.60 (+365.93%) since the beginning of the year

What is Great Elm Capital PE ratio year-on-year change?

Over the past year, GECC price to earnings ratio has changed by +9.13 (+161.88%)