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BSL Stock News & Sentiment

BSL: 9% Yielding Monthly Payer
BSL: 9% Yielding Monthly Payer
BSL: 9% Yielding Monthly Payer
seekingalpha.comNovember 1, 2024

BSL is a closed-end fund that yields 9.6%. It has delivered a 32% total return, including distributions, over the past ~22 months. BSL's holdings, dividend coverage, performance, and valuations are covered in this article.

BSL: Floating Rate Fund, 10% Yield And 10% Discount (Rating Upgrade)
BSL: Floating Rate Fund, 10% Yield And 10% Discount (Rating Upgrade)
BSL: Floating Rate Fund, 10% Yield And 10% Discount (Rating Upgrade)
Seeking AlphaJanuary 5, 2024

Blackstone Senior Floating Rate 2027 Term Fund is a leveraged loan CEF. BSL has a wide discount to net asset value but a stable NAV performance that compares favorably with 'golden standards' in the leveraged loan space which trade flat to NAV. The fund's dividend yield is fully covered, and the collateral pool is well-diversified.

CEF Weekly Review: Term CEFs Continue To Be Misunderstood
CEF Weekly Review: Term CEFs Continue To Be Misunderstood
CEF Weekly Review: Term CEFs Continue To Be Misunderstood
Seeking AlphaMay 27, 2023

We review CEF market valuation and performance through the third week of May and highlight recent market action. CEFs were mostly down on the week as rising Treasury yields were the key headwind.