Dividend Per Share
11 June 2024
Dividend Per Share (Next)
Not announced
iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF last dividend was $0.11 per share, -$0.06 (-34.16%) from the previous payment, with an ex-dividend date of 11 June 2024. As of today, the next dividend for iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF has not been announced. Over the past 365 days, IDNA has paid dividends 2 times.IDNA Dividend Chart
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TTM Dividend Per Share
03 December 2024
iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF TTM dividend per share is currently $0.28, unchanged on 03 December 2024. Over the past year, it has increased by +$0.21 (+296.33%). IDNA TTM dividend per share is now -28.47% below its all-time high of $0.39.IDNA TTM Dividend Per Share Chart
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IDNA Dividend Performance
PeriodPeriod | LastLast | TTMTTM |
RecentMost recent | -34.2% | 0.0% |
1 y1 year | +57.3% | +296.3% |
3 y3 years | +113.8% | +217.8% |
5 y5 years | - | - |
IDNA Dividend High & Low
PeriodPeriod | Last vs highLast vs high | Last vs lowLast vs low | TTM vs highTTM vs high | TTM vs lowTTM vs low | |
1 y | 1 year | -34.2% | +57.3% | at high | +296.3% |
3 y | 3 years | -56.5% | +113.8% | -28.5% | +296.3% |
5 y | 5 years | -56.5% | +207.7% | -28.5% | +296.3% |
alltime | all time | -56.5% | +207.7% | -28.5% | +296.3% |
IDNA Dividend Per Share History
Date | Last | Annual | TTM |
Dec 2024 | - | - | $0.28(0.0%) |
June 2024 | $0.11(-34.2%) | - | $0.28(+16.9%) |
Dec 2023 | $0.17(+139.0%) | - | $0.24(+16.1%) |
June 2023 | $0.07(-47.9%) | - | $0.21(-47.3%) |
June 2022 | $0.14(-47.0%) | - | $0.39(+27.2%) |
Date | Last | Annual | TTM |
Dec 2021 | $0.26(+392.1%) | - | $0.31(+249.4%) |
June 2021 | $0.05(+43.9%) | - | $0.09(-26.4%) |
Dec 2020 | $0.04(-56.8%) | - | $0.12(-63.0%) |
June 2020 | $0.08(-65.2%) | - | $0.32(+34.8%) |
Dec 2019 | $0.24 | - | $0.24 |
- Does iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF pay dividends?
- How often does iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF pay dividends?
- What is iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF TTM dividend per share?
- What is the all time high TTM dividend per share for iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF?
- What is IDNA TTM dividend per share year-to-date change?
- What is iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF TTM dividend per share year-on-year change?
- When will iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF pay dividend?
Does iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF pay dividends?
Yes, IDNA pays dividend. Last payment was $0.11 per share, with an ex-dividend date on 11 June 2024
How often does iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF pay dividends?
Over the past 365 days, iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF paid dividends 2 times
What is iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF TTM dividend per share?
The current TTM dividend per share of IDNA is $0.28
What is the all time high TTM dividend per share for iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF?
iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF all-time high TTM dividend per share is $0.39
What is IDNA TTM dividend per share year-to-date change?
iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF TTM dividend per share has changed by +$0.04 (+16.92%) since the beginning of the year
What is iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF TTM dividend per share year-on-year change?
Over the past year, IDNA TTM dividend per share has changed by +$0.21 (+296.33%)
When will iShares Genomics Immunology and Healthcare ETF pay dividend?
Next dividend for IDNA has not been announced yet