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Investors might want to look at the Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market ETF (FNDB) because it uses a unique indexing method that considers company size based on sales and cash flow. FNDB provides a diverse portfolio with a focus on value, which helps reduce the risks associated with market-cap weighted indexes that are heavily influenced by large tech companies. While FNDB may not perform as well during tech booms, it fits well with value-oriented markets, offering wide market exposure and a mix of active and passive management.
FNDB uses a fundamental analysis approach but has not performed as well as similar funds, even though it has lower volatility and fair valuations. Its portfolio is spread across different sectors and market sizes, but it has less investment in technology, which affects its growth and valuation. While FNDB's low valuation and defensive nature are advantages, the better returns from competing funds make it less attractive for beating the overall market.
The Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market ETF (FNDB) is a smart beta exchange-traded fund that was launched on August 13, 2013. It provides extensive coverage of the Style Box - All Cap Value segment of the market.
The Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF is classified as a "Large Value" ETF that follows the RAFI methodology. The FNDB ETF has a diversified portfolio across various sectors and holdings, with an emphasis on financials and technology. While FNDB has not performed as well as the benchmark since its inception, it has outperformed most passively managed value ETFs, with the exception of one.
Making its debut on 08/13/2013, smart beta exchange traded fund Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF (FNDB) provides investors broad exposure to the Style Box - All Cap Value category of the market.
The Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF (FNDB) was launched on 08/13/2013, and is a smart beta exchange traded fund designed to offer broad exposure to the Style Box - All Cap Value category of the market.
The Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF is an equities ETF that aims to replicate the Russell RAFIUS Index. The fund falls into the Large Cap Value category as rated by Morningstar, and exhibits a value-oriented portfolio with a focus on fundamentals. The ETF follows the Russell RAFIUS Index, which employs fundamental factors such as 'Adjusted Sales,' 'Retained Operating Cash Flow,' and 'Dividends plus Buybacks' for stock selection.
Making its debut on 08/13/2013, smart beta exchange traded fund Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF (FNDB) provides investors broad exposure to the Style Box - All Cap Value category of the market.
Designed to provide broad exposure to the Style Box - All Cap Value category of the market, the Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF (FNDB) is a smart beta exchange traded fund launched on 08/13/2013.
The Schwab Fundamental U.S. Broad Market Index ETF (FNDB) made its debut on 08/13/2013, and is a smart beta exchange traded fund that provides broad exposure to the Style Box - All Cap Value category of the market.
- What is FNDB ETF?
- Does FNDB pay dividends?
- What stocks are in FNDB ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for FNDB?
- What is FNDB average volume?
- What is FNDB expense ratio?
- What is FNDB inception date?