Best Blockchain Stocks

Market Cap ($)
Price ($)
Price Change (%)today ()
PE Ratio
PB Ratio
PS Ratio
Quarterly Revenue ($)
Quarterly EPS ($)
NVIDIA2870.42 B117.64-0.45StocksUnited States40.0436.1822.0039.33 B0.89
PayPal Holdings69.52 B70.28+0.83StocksUnited States17.533.412.198.37 B1.11
Coinbase Global48.23 B189.99+0.61StocksUnited States20.004.697.352.27 B4.68
Marathon Digital Holdings4.29 B12.41-0.88StocksUnited States9.121.046.54214.39 M1.24
Riot Blockchain2.78 B7.95+1.79StocksUnited States23.000.897.39142.56 M0.40
CleanSpark2.09 B7.45-3.75StocksUnited States67.731.034.48162.31 M0.83
Bitfarms570.06 M1.03-0.94StocksCanada1.113.1244.85 M-0.08
Canaan272.40 M0.94-4.46StocksSingapore0.861.1973.61 M-0.28
Beyond269.98 M5.08+1.40StocksUnited States1.660.19303.15 M-1.66
HIVE Blockchain Technologies257.97 M1.66-1.95StocksCanada0.592.1829.87 M0.01
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Top 10 blockchain companies traded on NASDAQ & NYSE. Includes current stock price, earnings & dividend calendar, charts, analyst recommendations, and the latest news
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