Annual Debt To Equity
31 December 2023
Intuitive Machines annual debt to equity ratio is currently -0.03, with the most recent change of +0.32 (+91.43%) on 31 December 2023. During the last 3 years, it has risen by +0.08 (+72.73%). LUNR annual debt to equity is now at all-time high.LUNR Debt To Equity Chart
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Quarterly Debt To Equity
30 September 2024
Intuitive Machines quarterly debt to equity ratio is currently 0.00, with the most recent change of +0.01 (+100.00%) on 30 September 2024. Over the past year, it has increased by +0.06 (+100.00%).LUNR Quarterly Debt To Equity Chart
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LUNR Debt To Equity Performance
PeriodPeriod | AnnualAnnual | QuarterlyQuarterly |
1 y1 year | +91.4% | +100.0% |
3 y3 years | +72.7% | +100.0% |
5 y5 years | - | - |
LUNR Debt To Equity High & Low
PeriodPeriod | Annual vs highAnnual vs high | Annual vs lowAnnual vs low | Quarter. vs highQuarter. vs high | Quarter. vs lowQuarter. vs low | |
3 y | 3 years | at high | +91.4% | +100.0% | |
5 y | 5 years | at high | +91.4% | +100.0% | |
alltime | all time | at high | +91.4% | at high | +100.0% |
Intuitive Machines Debt To Equity History
Date | Annual | Quarterly |
Sept 2024 | - | 0.00(-100.0%) |
June 2024 | - | -0.01(-50.0%) |
Mar 2024 | - | -0.02(-33.3%) |
Dec 2023 | -0.03 | -0.03(-50.0%) |
Sept 2023 | - | -0.06(+100.0%) |
June 2023 | - | -0.03(+50.0%) |
Date | Annual | Quarterly |
Mar 2023 | - | -0.02(-94.3%) |
Dec 2022 | -0.35(+52.2%) | -0.35(+66.7%) |
June 2022 | - | -0.21(-27.6%) |
Dec 2021 | -0.23(+109.1%) | - |
Dec 2021 | - | -0.29 |
Dec 2020 | -0.11 | - |
- What is Intuitive Machines annual debt to equity ratio?
- What is the all time high annual debt to equity for Intuitive Machines?
- What is Intuitive Machines annual debt to equity year-on-year change?
- What is Intuitive Machines quarterly debt to equity ratio?
- What is the all time high quarterly debt to equity for Intuitive Machines?
- What is Intuitive Machines quarterly debt to equity year-on-year change?
What is Intuitive Machines annual debt to equity ratio?
The current annual debt to equity of LUNR is -0.03
What is the all time high annual debt to equity for Intuitive Machines?
Intuitive Machines all-time high annual debt to equity ratio is -0.03
What is Intuitive Machines annual debt to equity year-on-year change?
Over the past year, LUNR annual debt to equity ratio has changed by +0.32 (+91.43%)
What is Intuitive Machines quarterly debt to equity ratio?
The current quarterly debt to equity of LUNR is 0.00
What is the all time high quarterly debt to equity for Intuitive Machines?
Intuitive Machines all-time high quarterly debt to equity ratio is 0.00
What is Intuitive Machines quarterly debt to equity year-on-year change?
Over the past year, LUNR quarterly debt to equity ratio has changed by +0.06 (+100.00%)