Dividend Per Share
10 June 2024
Dividend Per Share (Next)
02 December 2024
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria last dividend was $0.38 per share, -$0.01 (-2.07%) from the previous payment, with an ex-dividend date of 10 June 2024. The next dividend is announced to be $0.61 per share, +$0.23 (+59.33%) from the last payment, ex-dividend date is 02 December 2024. Over the past 365 days, CRESY has paid dividends 3 times.CRESY Dividend Chart
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Annual Dividend Per Share
30 June 2024
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria annual dividend per share is currently $0.77, with the most recent change of +$0.30 (+61.78%) on 30 June 2024. During the last 3 years, it has risen by +$0.37 (+90.47%). CRESY annual dividend per share is now -24.89% below its all-time high of $1.03, reached on 30 June 2000.CRESY Annual Dividend Per Share Chart
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TTM Dividend Per Share
29 November 2024
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria TTM dividend per share is currently $0.77, unchanged on 29 November 2024. Over the past year, it has increased by +$0.30 (+61.78%). CRESY TTM dividend per share is now -23.09% below its all-time high of $1.01.CRESY TTM Dividend Per Share Chart
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CRESY Dividend Performance
PeriodPeriod | LastLast | AnnualAnnual | TTMTTM |
RecentMost recent | -2.1% | - | 0.0% |
1 y1 year | +16.4% | +61.8% | +61.8% |
3 y3 years | -5.8% | +90.5% | - |
5 y5 years | -5.8% | +90.5% | - |
CRESY Dividend High & Low
PeriodPeriod | Last vs highLast vs high | Last vs lowLast vs low | Annual vs highAnnual vs high | Annual vs lowAnnual vs low | TTM vs highTTM vs high | TTM vs lowTTM vs low | |
1 y | 1 year | -37.2% | +16.4% | at high | +61.8% | at high | +61.8% |
3 y | 3 years | -37.2% | +156.3% | at high | +90.5% | at high | +417.9% |
5 y | 5 years | -37.2% | +156.3% | at high | +90.5% | at high | +417.9% |
alltime | all time | -50.6% | +1494.2% | -24.9% | +2386.5% | -23.1% | +3122.1% |
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera Y Agropecuaria Dividend History
Date | Last | Annual | TTM |
Nov 2024 | - | - | $0.77(0.0%) |
June 2024 | - | $0.77(+61.8%) | $0.77(0.0%) |
June 2024 | $0.38(-2.1%) | - | $0.77(+7.5%) |
Dec 2023 | $0.39(+18.9%) | - | $0.72(+50.5%) |
June 2023 | - | $0.48(+17.7%) | $0.48(0.0%) |
May 2023 | $0.33(+120.2%) | - | $0.48(+220.2%) |
Dec 2022 | $0.15(-63.2%) | - | $0.15(-63.2%) |
June 2022 | - | $0.41(0.0%) | - |
June 2021 | - | $0.41(0.0%) | - |
June 2020 | - | $0.41(0.0%) | - |
June 2019 | - | $0.41(0.0%) | - |
June 2018 | - | $0.41(+47.5%) | $0.41(0.0%) |
Nov 2017 | $0.41(+47.5%) | - | $0.41(+47.5%) |
June 2017 | - | $0.28(0.0%) | - |
June 2016 | - | $0.28(0.0%) | - |
June 2015 | - | $0.28(0.0%) | - |
June 2014 | - | $0.28(-30.3%) | $0.28(-58.9%) |
Nov 2013 | $0.28(-30.3%) | - | $0.67(+69.7%) |
June 2013 | - | $0.39(-27.3%) | $0.39(-38.8%) |
Nov 2012 | $0.39(+57.8%) | - | $0.65(+157.8%) |
June 2012 | - | $0.54(+85.5%) | $0.25(-53.9%) |
Nov 2011 | $0.25(-14.5%) | - | $0.54(+85.5%) |
June 2011 | - | $0.29(+11.0%) | $0.29(0.0%) |
Jan 2011 | $0.29 | - | $0.29(+11.0%) |
Date | Last | Annual | TTM |
June 2010 | - | $0.26(+178.8%) | $0.26(0.0%) |
Dec 2009 | $0.26(+178.8%) | - | $0.26(+178.8%) |
June 2009 | - | $0.09(-21.9%) | $0.09(0.0%) |
Nov 2008 | $0.09(+53.6%) | - | $0.09(+53.6%) |
June 2008 | - | $0.12(-41.9%) | $0.06(-49.1%) |
Oct 2007 | $0.06(+3.5%) | - | $0.12(+103.5%) |
June 2007 | - | $0.21(+39.9%) | $0.06(-71.5%) |
Nov 2006 | $0.06(-60.1%) | - | $0.21(+39.9%) |
June 2006 | - | $0.15(+210.0%) | $0.15(0.0%) |
Dec 2005 | $0.15(+210.0%) | - | $0.15(+210.0%) |
June 2005 | - | $0.05(+54.7%) | $0.05(-39.3%) |
Nov 2004 | $0.05(+54.7%) | - | $0.08(+154.7%) |
June 2004 | - | $0.03(-87.0%) | $0.03(0.0%) |
Nov 2003 | $0.03(-87.0%) | - | $0.03(-87.0%) |
June 2003 | - | $0.24(0.0%) | - |
June 2002 | - | $0.24(+197.9%) | $0.24(-25.1%) |
Nov 2001 | $0.24(+197.9%) | - | $0.32(+297.9%) |
June 2001 | - | $0.08(-92.2%) | $0.08(-90.6%) |
Nov 2000 | $0.08(-89.6%) | - | $0.86(+10.4%) |
June 2000 | - | $1.03(+304.2%) | $0.77(-22.9%) |
Nov 1999 | $0.77(+235.8%) | - | $1.01(+294.8%) |
June 1999 | - | $0.25 | $0.25(0.0%) |
Apr 1999 | $0.23(+861.3%) | - | $0.25(+961.3%) |
Dec 1998 | $0.02 | - | $0.02 |
- Does Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria pay dividends?
- How often does Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria pay dividends?
- What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria annual dividend per share?
- What is the all time high annual dividend per share for Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria?
- What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria annual dividend per share year-on-year change?
- What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria TTM dividend per share?
- What is the all time high TTM dividend per share for Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria?
- What is CRESY TTM dividend per share year-to-date change?
- What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria TTM dividend per share year-on-year change?
- When will Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria pay dividend?
Does Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria pay dividends?
Yes, CRESY pays dividend. Last payment was $0.38 per share, with an ex-dividend date on 10 June 2024
How often does Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria pay dividends?
Over the past 365 days, Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria paid dividends 3 times
What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria annual dividend per share?
The current annual dividend per share of CRESY is $0.77
What is the all time high annual dividend per share for Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria?
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria all-time high annual dividend per share is $1.03
What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria annual dividend per share year-on-year change?
Over the past year, CRESY annual dividend per share has changed by +$0.30 (+61.78%)
What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria TTM dividend per share?
The current TTM dividend per share of CRESY is $0.77
What is the all time high TTM dividend per share for Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria?
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria all-time high TTM dividend per share is $1.01
What is CRESY TTM dividend per share year-to-date change?
Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria TTM dividend per share has changed by +$0.05 (+7.49%) since the beginning of the year
What is Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria TTM dividend per share year-on-year change?
Over the past year, CRESY TTM dividend per share has changed by +$0.30 (+61.78%)
When will Cresud Sociedad Anonima Comercial Inmobiliaria Financiera y Agropecuaria pay dividend?
CRESY next dividend payment is announced to be $0.61 per stock, with an ex-dividend date on 02 December 2024