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Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is WUSA ETF?
- Does WUSA pay dividends?
- What stocks are in WUSA ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for WUSA?
- What is WUSA average volume?
- What is WUSA expense ratio?
- What is WUSA inception date?
What is WUSA ETF?
Does WUSA pay dividends?
No, the Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF doesn't pay dividends
What stocks are in WUSA ETF?
As of today, Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF inlcudes 334 holdings, with 322 of them being companies from 9 different countries and 11 sectors. The most weighted holdings are NMSWULTRS (21.59%), NMSWULTRS 00001 (21.08%) and NMSWUSTRS 00001 (7.35%)
What is the current assets under management for WUSA?
Assets under management of Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF is $29 M
What is WUSA average volume?
Average volume of Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF is $9721
What is WUSA expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF is 0.75%
What is WUSA inception date?
Inception date of Simplify Wolfe US Equity 150/50 ETF is 23 September 2024