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United States Commodity Index Fund, LP

Assets under management:

$174 M

Expense ratio:


Inception date:

10 August 2010



Last ex-dividend date:


Next ex-dividend date:



The USCI ETF, or United States Commodity Index Fund, aims to track the performance of a diversified basket of commodities. It provides investors exposure to various raw materials, such as energy, metals, and agricultural products, helping to hedge against inflation and diversify investment portfolios.

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Commodity ETF (USCI) Hits New 52-Week High
Commodity ETF (USCI) Hits New 52-Week High
Commodity ETF (USCI) Hits New 52-Week High
zacks.com05 January 2025

United States Commodity ETF USCI is probably on the radar for investors seeking momentum. The fund just hit a 52-week high and moved up 20.42% from its 52-week low price of $55.63 per share.

USCI: Expensive Commodities ETF, Better Alternatives Exist
USCI: Expensive Commodities ETF, Better Alternatives Exist
USCI: Expensive Commodities ETF, Better Alternatives Exist
Seeking Alpha04 January 2024

The United States Commodity Index Fund is an ETF that aims to replicate the SummerHaven Dynamic Commodity Index. The index selection methodology is based on backwardation, but it does not directly address the underlying risk factor and propensity for the commodity to rise or decrease in price. USCI has comparable returns to its peers but with worse risk/reward metrics and the highest expense ratio in its category.

USCI: Our Favorite Commodity ETF
USCI: Our Favorite Commodity ETF
USCI: Our Favorite Commodity ETF
Seeking Alpha11 September 2023

Energy-heavy ETFs like GSG are top performers in the commodities market. The United States Commodity Index Fund, an energy-light commodity ETF, is also performing well. USCI is an optimized ETF that maximizes performance by choosing commodities and futures contracts with the strongest backwardation or mildest contango.

USCI: Here Are Some Better Options To Consider
USCI: Here Are Some Better Options To Consider
USCI: Here Are Some Better Options To Consider
Seeking Alpha14 April 2023

United States Commodity Index Fund, LP ETF is a commodity exchange-traded fund that seeks to replicate the performance of an index consisting of 14 futures contracts. The ETF's performance depicts a significant tracking error, with a trend suggesting it will only get worse.


  • What is USCI ETF?
  • Does USCI pay dividends?
  • What is the current assets under management for USCI?
  • What is USCI average volume?
  • What is USCI expense ratio?
  • What is USCI inception date?

What is USCI ETF?

The USCI ETF, or United States Commodity Index Fund, aims to track the performance of a diversified basket of commodities. It provides investors exposure to various raw materials, such as energy, metals, and agricultural products, helping to hedge against inflation and diversify investment portfolios.

Does USCI pay dividends?

No, the United States Commodity Index Fund, LP doesn't pay dividends

What is the current assets under management for USCI?

Assets under management of United States Commodity Index Fund, LP is $174 M

What is USCI average volume?

Average volume of United States Commodity Index Fund, LP is $10 K

What is USCI expense ratio?

Expense ratio of United States Commodity Index Fund, LP is 1.07%

What is USCI inception date?

Inception date of United States Commodity Index Fund, LP is 10 August 2010