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Tradr 2X Long SOXX Monthly ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
Longer Calendar Leveraged 2.0x SOX (Semiconductor) ETFs
seekingalpha.com11 November 2024
2.0x weekly (SOXW) and monthly (SOXM) leveraged exchange-traded funds outperform their daily counterparts (holding index differences constant) over their respective reset periods during environments of average to high volatility. Semiconductor indexes are known for both extreme returns and volatility, causing the LETFs based on them to experience significant losses and extraordinary returns even over short time periods. Calendar LETFs, which eliminate realized leverage drift over their reset period, are particularly well suited for volatile indexes such as SOX for investors using these LETFs with longer holding periods.
- What is SOXM ETF?
- Does SOXM pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for SOXM?
- What is SOXM average volume?
- What is SOXM inception date?
What is SOXM ETF?
Does SOXM pay dividends?
No, the Tradr 2X Long SOXX Monthly ETF doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for SOXM?
What is SOXM average volume?
Average volume of Tradr 2X Long SOXX Monthly ETF is $1000
What is SOXM inception date?
Inception date of Tradr 2X Long SOXX Monthly ETF is 03 September 2024