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FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is QJUN ETF?
- Does QJUN pay dividends?
- What stocks are in QJUN ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for QJUN?
- What is QJUN average volume?
- What is QJUN expense ratio?
- What is QJUN inception date?
What is QJUN ETF?
QJUN ETF is an exchange-traded fund that focuses on investing in a diversified portfolio of assets. It aims to provide investors with exposure to various sectors while managing risk. This fund is suitable for those looking for a balanced investment option in the market.
Does QJUN pay dividends?
No, the FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June doesn't pay dividends
What stocks are in QJUN ETF?
As of today, FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June inlcudes 5 holdings
with the most weighted are 2025-06-20 Invesco QQQ Trust, Series 1 C 4.79 (95.37%), 2025-06-20 Invesco QQQ Trust, Series 1 C 572.84 (1.95%) and 2025-06-20 Invesco QQQ Trust, Series 1 P 480.17 (1.45%)
What is the current assets under management for QJUN?
Assets under management of FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June is $483 M
What is QJUN average volume?
Average volume of FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June is $132 K
What is QJUN expense ratio?
Expense ratio of FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June is 0.90%
What is QJUN inception date?
Inception date of FT Vest Nasdaq-100 Buffer ETF - June is 21 June 2021