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Too Late to Buy TIPS? Invesco Fixed Expert Says “No”
ETF Trends25 May 2023
Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS) may sound like old news at this point, but there's still upside opportunity. A commonly held belief in the investing world is that by the time you've bought TIPS, it's too late.
- What is PBTP ETF?
- Does PBTP pay dividends?
- What stocks are in PBTP ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for PBTP?
- What is PBTP average volume?
- What is PBTP expense ratio?
- What is PBTP inception date?
What is PBTP ETF?
The PBTP ETF is an exchange-traded fund that focuses on investing in a diversified portfolio of bonds. It aims to provide investors with income and capital preservation while minimizing risk. The fund is designed for those seeking stable returns through fixed-income investments.
Does PBTP pay dividends?
Yes, the Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF does pays dividends, with
the most recent payment being
per share. The last ex-dividend date was on 23 December 2024, and the next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet
What stocks are in PBTP ETF?
As of today, Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF inlcudes 2 holdings
with the most weighted are United States Treasury Inflation Indexed Bonds (1.93%), Invesco Government & Agency Portfolio (0.2%)
What is the current assets under management for PBTP?
Assets under management of Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF is $54 M
What is PBTP average volume?
Average volume of Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF is $9142
What is PBTP expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF is 0.07%
What is PBTP inception date?
Inception date of Invesco 0-5 Yr US TIPS ETF is 22 September 2017