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Outlooks remain mixed for 2025 on compounding risk factors and uncertainties. Investors looking to play more defensively within equities this year should consider the KraneShares Hedgeye Hedged Equity Index ETF (KSPY).
We explore the role of hedged equity strategies in today's market environment. The current market landscape presents a complex set of challenges for investors. Since KSPY launched, its Index has returned +2.15% versus the S&P 500's +3.77% total return and has outperformed the S&P 500 35 of 74 trading days.
The impending U.S. presidential election brings with it a host of investor concerns about short-term market impacts and heightened volatility. For those investors bracing for elevated short-term volatility or downside risk, the KraneShares Hedeye Hedged Equity Index ETF (KSPY) is worth consideration.
- What is KSPY ETF?
- Does KSPY pay dividends?
- What stocks are in KSPY ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for KSPY?
- What is KSPY average volume?
- What is KSPY expense ratio?
- What is KSPY inception date?