

Innovator Premium Income 30 Barrier ETF - January

Assets under management:


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Last ex-dividend date:

31 December 2024

Next ex-dividend date:



JANJ ETF is an exchange-traded fund that focuses on investing in companies involved in the development and use of artificial intelligence. It aims to provide investors with exposure to the growing AI sector, offering potential for capital appreciation and diversification in their investment portfolios.
United States Treasury Bill 12/26/2025(912797NU7)
69.88 %
SPX 12/31/2025 4126.79 P(2SPX 251231P04126790)
14.28 %
SPX 12/31/2025 4067.84 P(2SPX 251231P04067840)
13.09 %
United States Treasury Bill 03/27/2025(912797MU8)
0.90 %
United States Treasury Bill 06/26/2025(912797NW3)
0.89 %
United States Treasury Bill 09/04/2025(912797MH7)
0.88 %
Cash & Other(Cash&Other)
0.04 %
XSP 12/31/2025 412.68 P(2XSP 251231P00412680)
0.02 %
US BANK MMDA - USBGFS 9 09/01/2037(8AMMF0JA0)
0.01 %

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  • What is JANJ ETF?
  • Does JANJ pay dividends?
  • What stocks are in JANJ ETF?
  • What is the current assets under management for JANJ?
  • What is JANJ average volume?
  • What is JANJ inception date?

What is JANJ ETF?

JANJ ETF is an exchange-traded fund that focuses on investing in companies involved in the development and use of artificial intelligence. It aims to provide investors with exposure to the growing AI sector, offering potential for capital appreciation and diversification in their investment portfolios.

Does JANJ pay dividends?

Yes, the Innovator Premium Income 30 Barrier ETF - January does pays dividends, with the most recent payment being $0.35 per share. The last ex-dividend date was on 31 December 2024, and the next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet

What stocks are in JANJ ETF?

As of today, Innovator Premium Income 30 Barrier ETF - January inlcudes 9 holdings with the most weighted are United States Treasury Bill 12/26/2025 (69.88%), SPX 12/31/2025 4126.79 P (14.28%) and SPX 12/31/2025 4067.84 P (13.09%)

What is the current assets under management for JANJ?


What is JANJ average volume?


What is JANJ inception date?
