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FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is BUFT ETF?
- Does BUFT pay dividends?
- What stocks are in BUFT ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for BUFT?
- What is BUFT average volume?
- What is BUFT expense ratio?
- What is BUFT inception date?
What is BUFT ETF?
BUFT ETF is an exchange-traded fund that focuses on investing in a diversified portfolio of assets. It aims to provide investors with exposure to various sectors while managing risk. The fund is designed for those seeking long-term growth and stability in their investment strategy.
Does BUFT pay dividends?
No, the FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF doesn't pay dividends
What stocks are in BUFT ETF?
As of today, FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF inlcudes 8 holdings
with the most weighted are FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - April (18.91%), FT Vest U.S. Equity Enhance & Moderate Buffer ETF - March (17.36%) and FT Vest U.S. Equity Moderate Buffer ETF - April (14.26%)
What is the current assets under management for BUFT?
Assets under management of FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF is $112 M
What is BUFT average volume?
Average volume of FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF is $17 K
What is BUFT expense ratio?
Expense ratio of FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF is 1.05%
What is BUFT inception date?
Inception date of FT Vest Buffered Allocation Defensive ETF is 28 October 2021