AddAuto-run pausedEventsFiltersAI filterComma-separated list of screener conditions (max. 5)Conditions: 1 SMA 200 vs reg. market price: higher× SMA 200 vs reg. market price: higher×TickerNameMarket cap, $Price, $SMA 200, $ SMA 200 vs reg. market price, %higherPrice change, %todayTypeCountryPE ratioPB ratioPS ratioRevenue (quarterly), $EPS diluted (quarterly), $MSFTMicrosoft3078.26 B414.03421.82+1.52-0.15StockUnited States34.1610.7012.1165.58 B3.30AVGOBroadcom754.95 B161.64781.22+378.54-0.51StockUnited States140.4311.5016.1313.07 B-0.40LLYEli Lilly and Company710.87 B748.82835.64+10.92-0.61StockUnited States80.9549.9217.4011.44 B1.07NVONovo Nordisk A/S455.34 B102.48127.98+21.58-2.79StockDenmark33.2125.2211.5710.51 B0.90JNJJohnson & Johnson368.78 B153.17155.87+1.80+0.04StockUnited States25.325.264.2122.47 B1.11ABBVAbbVie297.41 B168.30178.87+6.62+0.32StockUnited States58.4449.315.3614.46 B0.88KOCoca-Cola272.04 B63.1564.62+2.59+0.13StockUnited States26.1010.265.8711.85 B0.66ASMLASML Holding NV251.40 B639.38895.71+36.04-2.38StockNetherlands33.4713.948.838.21 B5.81MRKMerck & Co246.39 B97.40120.61+23.78+0.10StockUnited States20.425.543.9016.66 B1.24TMToyota Motor227.05 B172.95204.60+18.33-0.19StockJapan8.210.940.7377.05 B2.91AMDAdvanced Micro Devices221.84 B136.70160.85+16.90-0.43StockUnited States123.153.899.136.82 B0.47ADBEAdobe219.22 B498.01519.73+4.05-0.15StockUnited States42.0615.0710.475.41 B3.76PEPPepsiCo217.86 B158.79170.79+7.59-0.27StockUnited States23.4211.202.3723.32 B2.13LINLinde213.79 B448.99452.27+0.47-3.29StockUnited Kingdom34.095.466.478.36 B3.22NVSNovartis AG205.68 B102.88106.45+3.26-0.93StockSwitzerland12.064.754.1213.17 B1.57TickerNameMarket cap, $Price, $SMA 200, $ SMA 200 vs reg. market price, %higherPrice change, %todayTypeCountryPE ratioPB ratioPS ratioRevenue (quarterly), $EPS diluted (quarterly), $page 1 / 258On page:1015202530354045501001234...258On page:101520253035404550100Total: 3856ChangesCalendarNewsPopular screeners CalendarsEarnings todayEarnings tomorrowEarnings this weekS&P 500 companies earnings calendarS&P 500 companies dividend calendarPerformanceBiggest stock gainers todayBiggest stock losers todayTop performing stocks YTD 2024Best performing stocks last 5 yearsBest performing stocks last 15 yearsWatchlistsAI stocksBest bank stocksCryptocurrency stocksElectric vehicle stocksFAANG stocksTechnicalAll time high stocksStocks with high betaStocks with price above SMA 50Stocks with price below SMA 200Stocks under 1$StrategiesBouncing at moving averageOversold with upcoming earningsStocks ready to break outStocks with high revenue growth rateGrowth stocksAll screeners (91)All watchlists (21)Screener recent changesTotal:38742 hours agoAdded: 8 CBRG, LGMK, N225, NSEI, POLA show all ▼Removed: 10 AGIH, GRDI, HCOM, ICD, INVO show all ▼Total:387610 hours agoAdded: 8 CRIT, FSBD, FUSI, HJAN, MTGP show all ▼Removed: 12 AVEE, EFIX, EMDV, FMNY, JHEM show all ▼Total:388013 hours agoAdded: 32 AGNG, AKO.B, ALCYU, ATER, BSCS show all ▼Removed: 53 AGZ, AMAX, AREC, ATAI, AVDV show all ▼Total:390113 hours agoAdded: 62 ABEO, AGZ, AREC, ATAI, AVEE show all ▼Removed: 57 AAA, ADEA, AESI, AFIF, AGNG show all ▼Total:389616 hours agoAdded: 150 AAA, ACRE, ADEA, AEVA, AFIF show all ▼Removed: 70 ALT, AMCR, BAND, BSAC, BSMO show all ▼Earnings and dividend calendarEarningsDividendStocks news