AddAuto-run pausedEventsFiltersAI filterComma-separated list of screener conditions (max. 5)Conditions: 1SMA 50 vs reg. market price: lower×SMA 50 vs reg. market price: lower×TickerNameMarket cap, $Price, $SMA 50, $SMA 50 vs reg. market price, %lowerPrice change, %01 Nov 2024TypeCountryPE ratioPB ratioPS ratioRevenue (quarterly), $EPS diluted (quarterly), $NVDANVIDIA3417.52 B139.32125.45-7.35+3.65StockUnited States65.3858.7635.4930.04 B0.67GOOGAlphabet2109.86 B172.36163.86-5.09-0.11StockUnited States22.866.726.2188.27 B2.12GOOGLAlphabet2094.19 B171.08162.47-5.15-0.05StockUnited States22.696.676.1688.27 B2.12AMZNAmazon2071.56 B197.01184.79-6.64-0.25StockUnited States47.138.763.43147.98 B1.26METAMeta Platforms1427.57 B565.49556.12-1.95-0.53StockUnited States26.648.689.1440.59 B6.03TSMTaiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited1004.02 B193.60180.44-6.48+1.10StockTaiwan30.967.9512.1123.55 B1.94TSLATesla800.49 B249.37234.26-5.91-0.60StockUnited States68.3211.458.2425.18 B0.62WMTWalmart660.66 B82.1979.76-2.96+0.23StockUnited States42.737.830.99169.34 B0.56JPMJPMorgan Chase & Co627.65 B222.94216.01-3.11+0.42StockUnited States12.411.943.6242.66 B4.37VVisa563.30 B290.11280.81-3.42+0.20StockUnited States29.8214.7815.689.62 B2.65ORCLOracle471.62 B170.20163.39-3.90+1.01StockUnited States43.8743.608.7613.31 B1.03MAMastercard Incorporated466.26 B508.00495.45-2.49+1.25StockUnited States38.43-103.2517.137.37 B3.53ABBVAbbVie359.50 B203.53194.14-4.62+0.24StockUnited States70.676.4714.46 B0.88NFLXNetflix323.37 B756.50712.67-5.74+0.40StockUnited States42.8114.238.609.82 B5.40BACBank of America320.65 B41.7940.51-2.99-0.17StockUnited States15.201.183.2625.34 B0.81TickerNameMarket cap, $Price, $SMA 50, $SMA 50 vs reg. market price, %lowerPrice change, %01 Nov 2024TypeCountryPE ratioPB ratioPS ratioRevenue (quarterly), $EPS diluted (quarterly), $page 1 / 265On page:1015202530354045501001234...265On page:101520253035404550100Total: 3966ChangesCalendarNewsPopular screeners CalendarsEarnings todayEarnings tomorrowEarnings this weekS&P 500 companies earnings calendarS&P 500 companies dividend calendarPerformanceBiggest stock gainers todayBiggest stock losers todayTop performing stocks YTD 2024Best performing stocks last 5 yearsBest performing stocks last 15 yearsWatchlistsAI stocksBest bank stocksCryptocurrency stocksElectric vehicle stocksFAANG stocksTechnicalAll time high stocksStocks with high betaStocks with price above SMA 50Stocks with price below SMA 200Stocks under 1$StrategiesBouncing at moving averageOversold with upcoming earningsStocks ready to break outStocks with high revenue growth rateGrowth stocksAll screeners (91)All watchlists (21)Screener recent changesTotal:39662 hours agoAdded: 17 AGRH, AWEG, DEF, DSAQ, ESUS show all ▼Removed: 18 AFTY, ALUM, BPAY, CHUY, DBLV show all ▼Total:396711 hours agoAdded: 6 CARD, EJUL, FSEP, PFFR, SPWO show all ▼Removed: 24 ABEQ, ADIV, AVEE, BSR, CCRV show all ▼Total:398514 hours agoAdded: 102 ACHV, AEE, AGIO, AGRO, AGZD show all ▼Removed: 152 ADME, AKA, APVO, ARCC, AREBW show all ▼Total:403514 hours agoAdded: 23 ABCB, ARTL, ATOS, BLFS, BUYW show all ▼Removed: 61 ACHV, AEE, AER, AGRO, AGZD show all ▼Total:407314 hours agoAdded: 93 AATC, ACCO, ACHV, ADVM, AKA show all ▼Removed: 309 ABCB, ABG, ACIW, ACMR, ACWI show all ▼Earnings and dividend calendarEarningsDividendStocks news