AddAuto-run pausedEventsFiltersAI filterComma-separated list of screener conditions (max. 5)Conditions: 2Beta: >1×Type: Stock×Beta: >1×Type: Stock×TickerNameMarket cap, $Price, $Beta>1Price change, %01 Nov 2024TypeStockCountryPE ratioPB ratioPS ratioRevenue (quarterly), $EPS diluted (quarterly), $ACRSAclaris Therapeutics149.82 M2.101.01+14.75StockUnited States1.124.682.77 M-0.15ACTGAcacia Research460.72 M4.591.01+4.32StockUnited States7.190.823.0225.84 M-0.08AGMFederal Agricultural Mortgage2.01 B184.361.01+0.35StockUnited States11.261.975.4989.92 M3.68AQNAlgonquin Power & Utilities3.62 B4.721.01-3.48StockCanada29.500.601.38598.63 M0.28BRCCBRC222.51 M3.151.01+0.96StockUnited States14.940.5589.02 M-0.01BTGB2Gold4.32 B3.301.01-0.60StockCanada1.152.22492.57 M-0.02BWABorgWarner7.31 B33.441.01-1.33StockUnited States8.492.800.523.45 B1.04BYByline Bancorp1.19 B26.751.01-0.59StockUnited States9.731.082.97101.06 M0.69CDWCDW25.12 B188.521.01+0.15StockUnited States23.0510.691.215.52 B2.34CPACopa Holdings SA4.06 B97.631.01-1.56StockPanama5.971.821.16819.40 M2.88CWCOConsolidated Water Co361.98 M22.861.01-3.79StockCayman Islands8.961.752.0732.48 M0.99DCODucommun Incorporated873.54 M59.231.01+0.75StockUnited States38.461.331.13197.00 M0.52DHAIDIH Holdings US Class A Common Stock56.27 M1.381.01+11.29StockUnited States-1.663.4816.19 M-0.02DORMDorman Products3.90 B127.791.01+6.49StockUnited States23.403.252.00502.95 M1.53EUDAEUDA Health Holdings Limited156.04 M4.201.01-1.18StockSingapore-25.91TickerNameMarket cap, $Price, $Beta>1Price change, %01 Nov 2024TypeStockCountryPE ratioPB ratioPS ratioRevenue (quarterly), $EPS diluted (quarterly), $page 1 / 174On page:1015202530354045501001234...174On page:101520253035404550100Total: 2605ChangesCalendarNewsPopular screeners CalendarsEarnings todayEarnings tomorrowEarnings this weekS&P 500 companies earnings calendarS&P 500 companies dividend calendarPerformanceBiggest stock gainers todayBiggest stock losers todayTop performing stocks YTD 2024Best performing stocks last 5 yearsBest performing stocks last 15 yearsWatchlistsAI stocksBest bank stocksCryptocurrency stocksElectric vehicle stocksFAANG stocksTechnicalAll time high stocksStocks with high betaStocks with price above SMA 50Stocks with price below SMA 200Stocks under 1$StrategiesBouncing at moving averageOversold with upcoming earningsStocks ready to break outStocks with high revenue growth rateGrowth stocksAll screeners (91)All watchlists (21)Screener recent changesTotal:258614 hours agoAdded: 10 ACRS, AHG, APLT, BRLT, DCO show all ▼Removed: 12 AMBI, BOXL, BY, CNXC, CWCO show all ▼Total:258820 hours agoAdded: 18 AMBI, BIOL, BOXL, BY, CGA show all ▼Removed: 13 ACRS, ADRT, ARR, BRLT, CTM show all ▼Total:25831 day agoAdded: 47 ADVM, AEI, AGI, ALPP, AR show all ▼Removed: 63 ACIC, ADN, AER, AHG, ALLT show all ▼Total:25992 days agoAdded: 13 AHG, ALLT, ALRS, ANAB, AVNS show all ▼Removed: 18 ALBT, ALPP, BEN, CBRE, FMC show all ▼Total:26043 days agoAdded: -Removed: 3 IDEX, RMD, UCBIEarnings and dividend calendarEarningsDividendStocks news