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noco-noco (NCNCW) Stock


Full Name:

noco-noco Inc.


Auto Parts





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noco-noco Inc. operates as an early-stage decarbonization solution provider in Asia. The company engages in manufacturing and leasing battery products, including batteries and BEVs to commercial transportation companies, and of ESS to renewable power plants and other power plants requiring grid stabilization and backup power; and the provision of carbon abatement solutions for landowners and carbon credit sales. It also provides geo-survey services and map, carbon-based feasibility studies, and geo-fencing and analysis of the land for the identification of carbon emissions and other governmental documents for the issue of carbon credits. The company is based in Singapore.

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What is the primary business of noco-noco?

noco-noco Inc. operates as an early-stage decarbonization solution provider in Asia. The company engages in manufacturing and leasing battery products, including batteries and BEVs to commercial transportation companies, and of ESS to renewable power plants and other power plants requiring grid stabilization and backup power; and the provision of carbon abatement solutions for landowners and carbon credit sales. It also provides geo-survey services and map, carbon-based feasibility studies, and geo-fencing and analysis of the land for the identification of carbon emissions and other governmental documents for the issue of carbon credits. The company is based in Singapore.

What is the ticker symbol for noco-noco?

The ticker symbol for noco-noco is NASDAQ:NCNCW

Does noco-noco pay dividends?

No, noco-noco does not pay dividends

What sector is noco-noco in?

noco-noco is in the Consumer Cyclical sector

What industry is noco-noco in?

noco-noco is in the Auto Parts industry

What country is noco-noco based in?

noco-noco is headquartered in Singapore

Is noco-noco in the S&P 500?

No, noco-noco is not included in the S&P 500 index

Is noco-noco in the NASDAQ 100?

No, noco-noco is not included in the NASDAQ 100 index

Is noco-noco in the Dow Jones?

No, noco-noco is not included in the Dow Jones index

When does noco-noco report earnings?

The date for noco-noco's next earnings report has not been announced yet