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Stran (STRN) Stock


Full Name:

Stran & Company, Inc.


United States


30 November 2018


Not included


Stran & Company, Inc. provides outsourced marketing solutions. The company offers clients custom sourcing services; and e-commerce solutions for promoting branded merchandise and other promotional products, managing promotional loyalty and incentives, print collateral and event assets, order and inventory management, designing and hosting online retail popup shops, fixed public retail online stores, and online business-to-business service offerings. It also provides creative and merchandising services; warehousing/fulfillment and distribution; print-on-demand services; kitting services; point of sale displays; and loyalty and incentive programs. The company was founded in 1994 and is based in Quincy, Massachusetts.

Events Calendar


Next earnings date:


Recent quarterly earnings:

Mar 28, 2023

Recent annual earnings:

Mar 28, 2023

Next ex-dividend date:


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Institutional Ownership

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  • When does Stran report earnings?

What is the primary business of Stran?

Stran & Company, Inc. provides outsourced marketing solutions. The company offers clients custom sourcing services; and e-commerce solutions for promoting branded merchandise and other promotional products, managing promotional loyalty and incentives, print collateral and event assets, order and inventory management, designing and hosting online retail popup shops, fixed public retail online stores, and online business-to-business service offerings. It also provides creative and merchandising services; warehousing/fulfillment and distribution; print-on-demand services; kitting services; point of sale displays; and loyalty and incentive programs. The company was founded in 1994 and is based in Quincy, Massachusetts.

What is the ticker symbol for Stran?

The ticker symbol for Stran is NASDAQ:STRN

Does Stran pay dividends?

No, Stran does not pay dividends

What sector is Stran in?

Stran is in the Communication Services sector

What industry is Stran in?

Stran is in the Advertising Agencies industry

What country is Stran based in?

Stran is headquartered in United States

When did Stran go public?

Stran's initial public offering (IPO) was on 30 November 2018

Is Stran in the S&P 500?

No, Stran is not included in the S&P 500 index

Is Stran in the NASDAQ 100?

No, Stran is not included in the NASDAQ 100 index

Is Stran in the Dow Jones?

No, Stran is not included in the Dow Jones index

When was Stran's last earnings report?

Stran's most recent earnings report was on 28 March 2023

When does Stran report earnings?

The date for Stran's next earnings report has not been announced yet