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NVIV Stock


Full Name:

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp.






United States


15 November 2010


Not included


InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. operates as a research and clinical-stage biomaterials and biotechnology company in the United States. The company engages in developing and commercializing biopolymer scaffolding devices for the treatment of spinal cord injuries (SCI). It is developing a Neuro-Spinal Scaffold implant comprise of biocompatible and bioresorbable polymers, which includes Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid, a polymer which is widely used in resorbable sutures and provides the biocompatible support for Neuro-Spinal Scaffold implant; and Poly-L-Lysine, a positively charged polymer used to coat surfaces to promote cellular attachment. The company was incorporated in 2003 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. On February 1, 2024, InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. It is in joint administration with InVivo Therapeutics Corporation.

Events Calendar


Next earnings date:


Recent quarterly earnings:

May 10, 2021

Recent annual earnings:

Mar 10, 2017

Next ex-dividend date:


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Next split:


Recent split:

Apr 27, 2022

Analyst ratings

Recent major analysts updates

25 Nov '20 Raymond James
Strong Buy
25 Nov '20 Ladenburg Thalmann
05 May '17 Raymond James
21 July '16 Ladenburg Thalmann
07 July '16 Raymond James
Strong Buy

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  • When does InVivo Therapeutics Holdings report earnings?

What is the primary business of InVivo Therapeutics Holdings?

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. operates as a research and clinical-stage biomaterials and biotechnology company in the United States. The company engages in developing and commercializing biopolymer scaffolding devices for the treatment of spinal cord injuries (SCI). It is developing a Neuro-Spinal Scaffold implant comprise of biocompatible and bioresorbable polymers, which includes Poly lactic-co-glycolic acid, a polymer which is widely used in resorbable sutures and provides the biocompatible support for Neuro-Spinal Scaffold implant; and Poly-L-Lysine, a positively charged polymer used to coat surfaces to promote cellular attachment. The company was incorporated in 2003 and is headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts. On February 1, 2024, InVivo Therapeutics Holdings Corp. filed a voluntary petition for reorganization under Chapter 11 in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. It is in joint administration with InVivo Therapeutics Corporation.

What is the ticker symbol for InVivo Therapeutics Holdings?

The ticker symbol for InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is NASDAQ:NVIV

Does InVivo Therapeutics Holdings pay dividends?

No, InVivo Therapeutics Holdings does not pay dividends

What sector is InVivo Therapeutics Holdings in?

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is in the Healthcare sector

What industry is InVivo Therapeutics Holdings in?

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is in the Biotechnology industry

What country is InVivo Therapeutics Holdings based in?

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is headquartered in United States

When did InVivo Therapeutics Holdings go public?

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings's initial public offering (IPO) was on 15 November 2010

Is InVivo Therapeutics Holdings in the S&P 500?

No, InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is not included in the S&P 500 index

Is InVivo Therapeutics Holdings in the NASDAQ 100?

No, InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is not included in the NASDAQ 100 index

Is InVivo Therapeutics Holdings in the Dow Jones?

No, InVivo Therapeutics Holdings is not included in the Dow Jones index

When was InVivo Therapeutics Holdings's last earnings report?

InVivo Therapeutics Holdings's most recent earnings report was on 10 May 2021

When does InVivo Therapeutics Holdings report earnings?

The date for InVivo Therapeutics Holdings's next earnings report has not been announced yet