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NTUS Stock


Full Name:

Natus Medical Incorporated




United States


20 July 2001


Not included


Natus Medical Incorporated provides medical device solutions focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with central nervous and sensory system disorders worldwide. It offers products and services used for the screening, detection, treatment, monitoring, and tracking of common medical ailments in newborn care, hearing impairment, neurological and neurosurgical treatments, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and neuromuscular diseases. The company also provides computerized neurodiagnostic systems for audiology, neurology, polysomnography, and neonatology; and software systems for managing and tracking disorders and diseases for public health laboratories. In addition, it offers electroencephalography, long term monitoring, intensive care unit monitoring, electromyography, sleep analysis or polysomnography, and intra-operative monitoring solutions. Further, the company provides hearing assessment, screening, and instrument fitting solutions; jaundice management products; brain injury products; and eye imaging systems and products used in the advanced science and practice of neonatal and pediatric retinal imaging. Additionally, it offers NICVIEW, a live streaming video for families with babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); essential products used in the everyday operation of NICU; balance assessment systems to evaluate patients with balance disorders. The company also provides computer-based audiological, otoneurologic, and vestibular instrumentation for hearing and balance care professionals. It serves university medical centers, public and private hospitals, physician offices, clinics, research laboratories, and others. The company was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Pleasanton, California.

Events Calendar


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Recent quarterly earnings:

Aug 05, 2022

Recent annual earnings:

Feb 24, 2022

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  • When does Natus Medical Incorporated report earnings?

What is the primary business of Natus Medical Incorporated?

Natus Medical Incorporated provides medical device solutions focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of patients with central nervous and sensory system disorders worldwide. It offers products and services used for the screening, detection, treatment, monitoring, and tracking of common medical ailments in newborn care, hearing impairment, neurological and neurosurgical treatments, epilepsy, sleep disorders, and neuromuscular diseases. The company also provides computerized neurodiagnostic systems for audiology, neurology, polysomnography, and neonatology; and software systems for managing and tracking disorders and diseases for public health laboratories. In addition, it offers electroencephalography, long term monitoring, intensive care unit monitoring, electromyography, sleep analysis or polysomnography, and intra-operative monitoring solutions. Further, the company provides hearing assessment, screening, and instrument fitting solutions; jaundice management products; brain injury products; and eye imaging systems and products used in the advanced science and practice of neonatal and pediatric retinal imaging. Additionally, it offers NICVIEW, a live streaming video for families with babies in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU); essential products used in the everyday operation of NICU; balance assessment systems to evaluate patients with balance disorders. The company also provides computer-based audiological, otoneurologic, and vestibular instrumentation for hearing and balance care professionals. It serves university medical centers, public and private hospitals, physician offices, clinics, research laboratories, and others. The company was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Pleasanton, California.

What is the ticker symbol for Natus Medical Incorporated?

The ticker symbol for Natus Medical Incorporated is NASDAQ:NTUS

Does Natus Medical Incorporated pay dividends?

No, Natus Medical Incorporated does not pay dividends

What sector is Natus Medical Incorporated in?

Natus Medical Incorporated is in the Healthcare sector

What industry is Natus Medical Incorporated in?

Natus Medical Incorporated is in the Medical Devices industry

What country is Natus Medical Incorporated based in?

Natus Medical Incorporated is headquartered in United States

When did Natus Medical Incorporated go public?

Natus Medical Incorporated's initial public offering (IPO) was on 20 July 2001

Is Natus Medical Incorporated in the S&P 500?

No, Natus Medical Incorporated is not included in the S&P 500 index

Is Natus Medical Incorporated in the NASDAQ 100?

No, Natus Medical Incorporated is not included in the NASDAQ 100 index

Is Natus Medical Incorporated in the Dow Jones?

No, Natus Medical Incorporated is not included in the Dow Jones index

When was Natus Medical Incorporated's last earnings report?

Natus Medical Incorporated's most recent earnings report was on 5 August 2022

When does Natus Medical Incorporated report earnings?

The date for Natus Medical Incorporated's next earnings report has not been announced yet