Mesabi Trust: Volume Recovery Means Royalty Rates Ratchet Up
Recent developments, such as the mid-2023 resumption of mining operations by Cleveland-Cliffs on trust leases and the Federal Reserve's reluctance to raise interest rates, suggest potential upside for Mesabi. Increasing odds for a turnaround in China's economy, alongside an approaching arbitration judgment over underpaid royalties, are additional reasons to consider investing in MSB stock. A low-volatility basing pattern over the last 12 months could support a price breakout and material gains for investors buying around $17.
Mesabi Trust announces $0.37 quarterly dividend and Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. holds Q4 earnings call. Cleveland-Cliffs CEO threatens to use more scrap metal, but Mesabi Trust's production looks to be back to full capacity. Mesabi Trust offers a 7.2% forward yield with potential for higher dividends if iron ore prices increase.
Mesabi Trust distributions were scrapped because Cleveland-Cliffs temporarily idled its mine. Iron ore demand could benefit from China's construction sector stimulus. Normalized annualized distributions per unit from Mesabi Trust could be as high as $2.8.
Mesabi Trust: Patient Investor's Opportunity Amid Cleveland-Cliffs' Uncertainty.