The MFS High Yield Municipal Trust is a closed-end mutual fund that offers high federal tax-advantaged income and capital appreciation. CMU invests in high-yield securities rated below investment grade, which carries greater risk but also the potential for higher returns. CMU provides national diversification with exposure to various states and industries, but investors should consider the credit quality distribution and leverage of the fund.
We review CEF market valuation and performance through the fourth week of January and highlight recent market action. All sectors were up for the week, with MLPs and Preferreds leading the way. Investors should be wary in taking CEF total NAV returns at face value given various conventions and data issues.
MFS Municipal CEFs, High Yield Municipal Trust and Investment Grade Municipal Trust, are undergoing tender offers. Shareholders have the option to participate in the tender offers or reduce their allocation due to strong relative performance. The breakeven discount widening for the tender offer is 2.2%, meaning investors will make money if the discount does not widen more than 2.2% from current levels.