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Mon, 01 Jan 0001 00:00:00 GMT
Kaleyra stock price is not available.KLR Price Chart
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KLR Price Performance
PeriodPeriod | PricePrice | S&P 500S&P 500 | NASDAQNASDAQ | Dow JonesDow Jones | XLKXLK |
todaytoday | - | -0.4% | -0.5% | -0.5% | -0.1% |
1 m1 month | - | +1.3% | +3.4% | +0.1% | +1.0% |
3 m3 months | - | +8.3% | +13.4% | +6.9% | +8.5% |
6 m6 months | - | +11.8% | +13.2% | +13.5% | +5.1% |
ytdytd | - | +27.0% | +32.8% | +16.6% | +24.1% |
1 y1 year | - | +30.5% | +37.1% | +20.2% | +25.4% |
5 y5 years | - | +91.2% | +128.6% | +56.2% | +168.0% |
KLR Price High & Low
PeriodPeriod | HighHigh | Current vs highvs high | LowLow | Current vs lowvs low | |
1 m | 1 month | ||||
3 m | 3 months | ||||
6 m | 6 months | ||||
1 y | 1 year | ||||
3 y | 3 years | $10.04 | $0.60 | ||
5 y | 5 years | $20.00 | $0.60 | ||
alltime | all time | $20.00 | $0.60 |
Kaleyra Stock Price History
Date | Value |
2022 | $0.76(-92.5%) |
2021 | $10.04(+1.8%) |
Date | Value |
2020 | $9.86(+16.0%) |
2019 | $8.50(-15.8%) |
2018 | $10.10 |
- What is the all time high price for Kaleyra stock?
- When did Kaleyra stock split?
What is the all time high price for Kaleyra stock?
Kaleyra stock all-time high price is $20.00
When did Kaleyra stock split?
KLR most recent stock split occurred on 09 Mar 2023