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Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is XDIV ETF?
- Does XDIV pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for XDIV?
- What is XDIV average volume?
- What is XDIV expense ratio?
- What is XDIV inception date?
What is XDIV ETF?
The manager intends to replicate the returns of SPY through owning long positions in quarterly S&P 500 Index futures contracts traded on the CME rather than shares of SPY. Additionally, the manager intends to track the performance of the Metaurus Ex-Dividend Index by selling annual S&P 500 Dividend Futures Contracts out to the maturity date of the fund.
Does XDIV pay dividends?
No, the Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for XDIV?
Assets under management of Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 is $3 B
What is XDIV average volume?
Average volume of Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 is $2040
What is XDIV expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 is 0.58%
What is XDIV inception date?
Inception date of Metaurus U.S. Equity Ex-Dividend Fund-Series 2027 is 05 February 2018