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WBI BullBear Quality 2000 ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is WBID ETF?
- Does WBID pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for WBID?
- What is WBID average volume?
- What is WBID inception date?
What is WBID ETF?
The investment seeks long-term capital appreciation and the potential for current income, while protecting principal during unfavorable market conditions.
The fund will seek to invest in the equity securities of small-capitalization and mid-capitalization domestic and foreign companies. These securities will be selected on the basis of the Sub-Advisor's proprietary selection process ("Selection Process"). Cash and cash equivalents are some of the investment opportunities evaluated by the Selection Process. It may invest up to 50% of its net assets in the securities of issuers in emerging markets.
Does WBID pay dividends?
No, the WBI BullBear Quality 2000 ETF doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for WBID?
What is WBID average volume?
What is WBID inception date?