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VelocityShares Long LIBOR ETN doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is ULBR ETF?
- Does ULBR pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for ULBR?
- What is ULBR average volume?
- What is ULBR expense ratio?
- What is ULBR inception date?
What is ULBR ETF?
The investment seeks to be linked to the Janus Velocity Long LIBOR Index (the âLong LIBOR Indexâ). The Long LIBOR Index aims to approximate the daily performance of a hypothetical long investment in the composite forward LIBOR rate, as if the composite forward LIBOR rate itself were an asset that could be invested in. It does so by tracking the return on a hypothetical short position in Eurodollar futures contracts, where that position is recalibrated daily to result in a return over the next Index Business Day that approximates the percentage change in the composite forward LIBOR rate over that next day, subject to the long LIBOR floor.
Does ULBR pay dividends?
No, the VelocityShares Long LIBOR ETN doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for ULBR?
Assets under management of VelocityShares Long LIBOR ETN is $41 M
What is ULBR average volume?
Average volume of VelocityShares Long LIBOR ETN is $0
What is ULBR expense ratio?
Expense ratio of VelocityShares Long LIBOR ETN is 1.50%
What is ULBR inception date?
Inception date of VelocityShares Long LIBOR ETN is 15 August 2017