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Trend Aggregation Conservative ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is TACE ETF?
- Does TACE pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for TACE?
- What is TACE average volume?
- What is TACE expense ratio?
- What is TACE inception date?
What is TACE ETF?
The investment seeks to provide total return.
In pursuing the fund's investment objective, the fund will invest in ETFs that primarily invest in fixed income securities, real estate investment trusts ("REITs"), master limited partnerships ("MLPs"), dividend paying equity stocks including utility stocks, put options, U.S. treasuries and exchange-traded notes ("ETNs"). Fixed Income ETFs will include those that invest in domestic and foreign fixed income securities of any credit rating maturity and duration.
Does TACE pay dividends?
No, the Trend Aggregation Conservative ETF doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for TACE?
Assets under management of Trend Aggregation Conservative ETF is $2 B
What is TACE average volume?
Average volume of Trend Aggregation Conservative ETF is $11 K
What is TACE expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Trend Aggregation Conservative ETF is 1.87%
What is TACE inception date?
Inception date of Trend Aggregation Conservative ETF is 20 October 2020