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Siren Large Cap Blend Index ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is SPQQ ETF?
- Does SPQQ pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for SPQQ?
- What is SPQQ average volume?
- What is SPQQ expense ratio?
- What is SPQQ inception date?
What is SPQQ ETF?
The index's construction begins by identifying two universes of stocks. It then selects the 30 largest companies from each universe by market capitalization and weights each company equally. Under normal circumstances, the fund generally will replicate the index by investing in all of the securities in the index in proportion to their weighting in the index. It is non-diversified.
Does SPQQ pay dividends?
No, the Siren Large Cap Blend Index ETF doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for SPQQ?
Assets under management of Siren Large Cap Blend Index ETF is $74 M
What is SPQQ average volume?
Average volume of Siren Large Cap Blend Index ETF is $325
What is SPQQ expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Siren Large Cap Blend Index ETF is 0.20%
What is SPQQ inception date?
Inception date of Siren Large Cap Blend Index ETF is 30 June 2020