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ConvexityShares 1x SPIKES Futures ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is SPKX ETF?
- Does SPKX pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for SPKX?
- What is SPKX average volume?
- What is SPKX expense ratio?
- What is SPKX inception date?
What is SPKX ETF?
The fund seeks to achieve their respective investment objectives through the appropriate amount of exposure to the SPIKES futures contracts included in the index. The index consists of short-term SPIKES futures contracts.
Does SPKX pay dividends?
No, the ConvexityShares 1x SPIKES Futures ETF doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for SPKX?
Assets under management of ConvexityShares 1x SPIKES Futures ETF is $67 M
What is SPKX average volume?
Average volume of ConvexityShares 1x SPIKES Futures ETF is $2242
What is SPKX expense ratio?
Expense ratio of ConvexityShares 1x SPIKES Futures ETF is 0.65%
What is SPKX inception date?
Inception date of ConvexityShares 1x SPIKES Futures ETF is 18 August 2022