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UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is SMHD ETF?
- Does SMHD pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for SMHD?
- What is SMHD average volume?
- What is SMHD expense ratio?
- What is SMHD inception date?
What is SMHD ETF?
The investment seeks to provides a monthly compounded two times leveraged long exposure to the performance of the index, reduced by the accrued fees.
The fund is a series of Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged Exchange Traded Access Securities (ETRACS) linked to the performance of the price return version of the Solactive US Small Cap High Dividend Index. The index is designed to measure the performance of 100 relatively small capitalization, dividend yielding index constituent Securities selected from a universe of qualifying U.S. listed stocks.
Does SMHD pay dividends?
No, the UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for SMHD?
Assets under management of UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN is $3 B
What is SMHD average volume?
Average volume of UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN is $0
What is SMHD expense ratio?
Expense ratio of UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN is 0.85%
What is SMHD inception date?
Inception date of UBS ETRACS Monthly Pay 2xLeveraged US Small Cap High Dividend ETN is 03 February 2015