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Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not

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Inception date:

28 June 2019



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Sachem Capital Corp. is a real estate finance company, which engages in the provision of real estate investment trust services. The firm specializes in originating, underwriting, funding, servicing, and managing services for a portfolio of short-term loans. It offers short-term, secured, and non-banking loans to real estate investors to fund their acquisition, renovation, rehabilitation, or development of residential and commercial properties. The company was founded by Jeffrey C. Villano and John L. Villano in January 2016 and is headquartered in Branford, CT.

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  • What is SCCB ETF?
  • Does SCCB pay dividends?
  • What is the current assets under management for SCCB?
  • What is SCCB average volume?
  • What is SCCB expense ratio?
  • What is SCCB inception date?

What is SCCB ETF?

Sachem Capital Corp. is a real estate finance company, which engages in the provision of real estate investment trust services. The firm specializes in originating, underwriting, funding, servicing, and managing services for a portfolio of short-term loans. It offers short-term, secured, and non-banking loans to real estate investors to fund their acquisition, renovation, rehabilitation, or development of residential and commercial properties. The company was founded by Jeffrey C. Villano and John L. Villano in January 2016 and is headquartered in Branford, CT.

Does SCCB pay dividends?

No, the Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not doesn't pay dividends

What is the current assets under management for SCCB?

Assets under management of Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not is $0

What is SCCB average volume?

Average volume of Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not is $3000

What is SCCB expense ratio?

Expense ratio of Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not is 0.00%

What is SCCB inception date?

Inception date of Sachem Capital Corp. 7.125% Not is 28 June 2019