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Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is RUSL ETF?
- Does RUSL pay dividends?
- What stocks are in RUSL ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for RUSL?
- What is RUSL average volume?
- What is RUSL expense ratio?
- What is RUSL inception date?
What is RUSL ETF?
The fund invests at least 80% of its net assets in financial instruments, such as swap agreements, ETFs that track the index, securities of the index and other financial instruments that provide daily leveraged exposure to the index or to ETFs that track the index. The index is intended to represent the overall performance of publically traded companies that are domiciled and primarily listed on an exchange in Russia or that are not Russian companies, but nonetheless generate at least 50% of revenues in Russia. It is non-diversified.
Does RUSL pay dividends?
No, the Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares doesn't pay dividends
What stocks are in RUSL ETF?
As of today, Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares inlcudes 4 holdings
with the most weighted are GOLDMAN FINL SQ TRSRY INS (0.33%), DREYFUS GOVT CASH MGMT (0.02%) and GOLDMAN FINL SQ TRSRY INST 506 (0%)
What is the current assets under management for RUSL?
Assets under management of Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares is $2 B
What is RUSL average volume?
Average volume of Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares is $1 M
What is RUSL expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares is 1.20%
What is RUSL inception date?
Inception date of Direxion Daily Russia Bull 2X Shares is 25 May 2011