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Defiance Digital Revolution ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is NFTZ ETF?
- Does NFTZ pay dividends?
- What stocks are in NFTZ ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for NFTZ?
- What is NFTZ average volume?
- What is NFTZ expense ratio?
- What is NFTZ inception date?
What is NFTZ ETF?
The index is a rules-based index that consists of the common stock of companies (i) that earn a majority of their revenue from activities in the blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystems or (ii) with exposure to the NFT ecosystem. The fund will generally invest in all of the component securities of the index in the same approximate proportions as in the index. The fund is non-diversified.
Does NFTZ pay dividends?
No, the Defiance Digital Revolution ETF doesn't pay dividends
What stocks are in NFTZ ETF?
As of today, Defiance Digital Revolution ETF inlcudes 1 holdings
with the most weighted are Cash & Other (100%)
What is the current assets under management for NFTZ?
Assets under management of Defiance Digital Revolution ETF is $501 M
What is NFTZ average volume?
Average volume of Defiance Digital Revolution ETF is $1119
What is NFTZ expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Defiance Digital Revolution ETF is 0.65%
What is NFTZ inception date?
Inception date of Defiance Digital Revolution ETF is 01 December 2021