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T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
Best-Performing Leveraged ETFs of Last Week
zacks.com27 January 2025
Wall Street gained last week despite a slump on Friday.
- What is MSTZ ETF?
- Does MSTZ pay dividends?
- What stocks are in MSTZ ETF?
- What is the current assets under management for MSTZ?
- What is MSTZ average volume?
- What is MSTZ expense ratio?
- What is MSTZ inception date?
What is MSTZ ETF?
Does MSTZ pay dividends?
No, the T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF doesn't pay dividends
What stocks are in MSTZ ETF?
As of today, T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF inlcudes 4 holdings
with the most weighted are MSTZ TRS MSTR EQ (32.84%), CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (14.04%) and PAYB MSTZ TRS MSTR EQ (7.87%)
What is the current assets under management for MSTZ?
What is MSTZ average volume?
Average volume of T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF is $40 K
What is MSTZ expense ratio?
Expense ratio of T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF is 1.05%
What is MSTZ inception date?
Inception date of T-Rex 2X Inverse MSTR Daily Target ETF is 18 September 2024