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- What is LDRT ETF?
- Does LDRT pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for LDRT?
- What is LDRT average volume?
- What is LDRT expense ratio?
- What is LDRT inception date?
What is LDRT ETF?
Does LDRT pay dividends?
Yes, the iShares iBonds 1-5 Year Treasury Ladder ETF does pays dividends, with
the most recent payment being
per share. The last ex-dividend date was on 20 December 2024, and the next ex-dividend date has not been announced yet
What is the current assets under management for LDRT?
Assets under management of iShares iBonds 1-5 Year Treasury Ladder ETF is $0
What is LDRT average volume?
Average volume of iShares iBonds 1-5 Year Treasury Ladder ETF is $0
What is LDRT expense ratio?
Expense ratio of iShares iBonds 1-5 Year Treasury Ladder ETF is 0.07%
What is LDRT inception date?