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iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is LD ETF?
- Does LD pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for LD?
- What is LD average volume?
- What is LD expense ratio?
- What is LD inception date?
What is LD ETF?
The Dow Jones-UBS Lead Subindex Total ReturnService Mark (the "index") reflects the returns that are potentially available through an unleveraged investment in the futures contracts on lead. The index currently consists of one futures contract on the commodity of lead which is included in the Dow Jones-UBS Commodity Index Total ReturnService Mark.
Does LD pay dividends?
No, the iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for LD?
Assets under management of iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN is $123 M
What is LD average volume?
Average volume of iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN is $41
What is LD expense ratio?
Expense ratio of iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN is 0.75%
What is LD inception date?
Inception date of iPath Bloomberg Lead Subindex Total Return(SM) ETN is 02 January 2009