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JPMorgan Event Driven ETF doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is JPED ETF?
- Does JPED pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for JPED?
- What is JPED average volume?
- What is JPED expense ratio?
- What is JPED inception date?
What is JPED ETF?
The investment seeks to provide long-term total return.
The fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by employing an event-driven investment strategy, primarily investing in companies that the fund's adviser believes will be impacted by pending or anticipated corporate or special situation events. It will do so based on its systematic investment process. The fund will generally invest its assets globally to gain exposure, either directly or through the use of derivatives, to equity securities (across market capitalizations) in developed markets.
Does JPED pay dividends?
No, the JPMorgan Event Driven ETF doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for JPED?
Assets under management of JPMorgan Event Driven ETF is $3 B
What is JPED average volume?
Average volume of JPMorgan Event Driven ETF is $0
What is JPED expense ratio?
Expense ratio of JPMorgan Event Driven ETF is 0.85%
What is JPED inception date?
Inception date of JPMorgan Event Driven ETF is 29 November 2017