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Ivy Focused Energy NextShares doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is IVENC ETF?
- Does IVENC pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for IVENC?
- What is IVENC average volume?
- What is IVENC inception date?
What is IVENC ETF?
The investment seeks to provide capital growth and appreciation.
The fund seeks to achieve its objective by investing, under normal circumstances, at least 80% of its net assets in securities of companies within the energy sector, which includes all aspects of the energy industry, such as exploration, discovery, production, distribution or infrastructure of energy and/or alternative energy sources. Many of the companies in which the fund may invest have diverse operations, with products or services in foreign markets. Therefore, the fund may have indirect exposure to various foreign markets through investments in these companies. The fund is non-diversified.
Does IVENC pay dividends?
No, the Ivy Focused Energy NextShares doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for IVENC?
What is IVENC average volume?
What is IVENC inception date?