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UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is FUD ETF?
- Does FUD pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for FUD?
- What is FUD average volume?
- What is FUD expense ratio?
- What is FUD inception date?
What is FUD ETF?
The investment seeks to track the price and performance yield, before fees and expenses, of the UBS Bloomberg CMCI Food Total Return index.
The fund is designed to be representative of the entire liquid forward curve of each commodity in the index. The index measures the collateralized returns from a diversified basket of agriculture and livestock futures contracts. It is comprised of the 11 agriculture futures contracts and two livestock futures contracts included in the CMCI with three target maturities for each individual commodity.
Does FUD pay dividends?
No, the UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for FUD?
Assets under management of UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN is $632 M
What is FUD average volume?
Average volume of UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN is $212
What is FUD expense ratio?
Expense ratio of UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN is 0.65%
What is FUD inception date?
Inception date of UBS ETRACS CMCI Food Total Return ETN is 01 January 2009