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Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is FIYY ETF?
- Does FIYY pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for FIYY?
- What is FIYY average volume?
- What is FIYY expense ratio?
- What is FIYY inception date?
What is FIYY ETF?
The investment seeks return linked to a quarterly rebalanced leveraged participation in the performance of the MSCI World High Dividend Yield USD Gross Total Return Index (the âindexâ).
At inception the ETN is designed to target two times the performance of the index. A quarterly rebalancing event or a loss rebalancing event will aim to reset the leveraged exposure to the index to approximately two. The index is designed to track the performance of large and mid cap stocks (excluding REITS) across 23 developed markets countries tracked by the MSCI World Index with higher than average dividend yields that are potentially both sustainable and persistent.
Does FIYY pay dividends?
No, the Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for FIYY?
Assets under management of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B is $0
What is FIYY average volume?
Average volume of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B is $622
What is FIYY expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B is 0.93%
What is FIYY inception date?
Inception date of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Global High Yield ETN B is 15 March 2018