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Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C doesn't have historical dividend data
- What is FFEU ETF?
- Does FFEU pay dividends?
- What is the current assets under management for FFEU?
- What is FFEU average volume?
- What is FFEU expense ratio?
- What is FFEU inception date?
What is FFEU ETF?
The investment seeks return linked to a quarterly rebalanced leveraged participation in the performance of the STOXX Europe 50® USD (Gross Return) Index (the âindexâ).
At inception the ETN is designed to target two times the performance of the index. A quarterly rebalancing event or a loss rebalancing event will aim to reset the leveraged exposure to the index to approximately two. The index is composed of 50 European blue-chip companies selected from within the STOXX Europe 600 Index.
Does FFEU pay dividends?
No, the Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C doesn't pay dividends
What is the current assets under management for FFEU?
Assets under management of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C is $0
What is FFEU average volume?
Average volume of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C is $148
What is FFEU expense ratio?
Expense ratio of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C is 1.05%
What is FFEU inception date?
Inception date of Barclays ETN+ FI Enhanced Europe 50 ETN Series C is 15 March 2018